Best Corporate Fixed Deposit with 8% to 9 % Interest Rate

Best Corporate Fixed Deposit with 8% to 9 % Interest Rate

There is huge segment of investors which are looking for higher fixed returns thanĀ  fixed deposits offered by commercial banks. These investors are high returns and are also averse to the market fluctuations and market risks, therefore avoid both the direct investment in capital market or indirectly through Mutual funds. A large number of such investors are preyed upon by ponzi schemes and sometimes are duped by smaller NBFCs, they are not aware of the Corporate Fixed Deposit schemes offered by a number of large and listed entities in India.

We have listed top five Company fixed deposit schemes offered by some of the biggest organizations, these fixed deposits earn more than 8% and go up to 9% for period between one to three years. The rate of deposits generally goes up with the risk and by a lesser known market entity.

These selected fixed deposits are offered by reputed Indian Companies Such as Mahindra, LIC, Bajaj Finance, PNB and Shriram Transport, which is relatively new compared to other companies, also a factor for 8.5%-9% rate of interest offered by the organization. All the other four companies are offering between 8%-8.8%; Mahindra & Mahindra FD being the second highest at 8.8%.




Source: NSE

Major Decision Making Factors for Company Fixed Deposit

Years of Existence:

Business Maturity:

Credit Rating: