Chinese Imports from Germany Grows at 5% CAGR

Germany is the largest European trading partner of China. Even the combined exports of second and third largest economies of Europe cannot match the German exports to China. During 2015-18 period Chinese Imports from Germany increased by 5%, they reached $212Bn in 2018 compared to $175Bn in 2015.

chinese imports German

Top five Chinese imports of German products accounted for 74% of overall imports. Remaining ninety two German products accounted for remaining 28% of overall trade between China and Germany.  By 2018 there were thirteen German product segments with over $1Bn imports by China.

Nuclear Reactors are the biggest German imports in China, they account for 23% of all imports. German vehicles are the second major imports into China they account for 22% of overall Chinese imports of German goods. Electrical Machinery & Equipments accounts for 13% of imports, Optical/ photographic/ surgical instruments are the only other segment with double digit import share in Chinese market with 10% share.

German Nuclear Reactors & machinery accounted for $24Bn imports in 2018 and grew at CAGR of 4% during 2015-18 period.  Pharmaceuticals which accounted for only 6% of imports by China grew at CAGR of 11% during the same period. German Pharmaceutical products accounted for $6.8Bn of Chinese imports.

There were only three major German product segments with over $1Bn imports by China that grew in double digits. German Organic chemicals which accounted for $1.6Bn trade with China grew at the rate of 10% during the period.

Iron & Steel was another product segment which accounted for $1.7Bn imports by China and it grew at CAGR of 11% during the period.

Electrical machinery and equipment which accounted for 13% imports by China of German products managed to grow at a meager 2% during 2015-18 period. Electrical machinery & equipment import of German origin stood at $13Bn in 2018.

This analysis is based on the data insight generated by Viksa Market Insights. VMI has strong expertise in Trade Analysis of products & services. Viksa Market Insights also creates customized Trade Analysis Reports on demand and can be reached out for a response –