Momentum Shares with 1000%+ Gains

Top 10 Volume Momentum Shares with 1000%+ Gains

Week of Feb03-07 saw intense trading on NSE which resulted in number of stocks gaining volume momentum in indiscriminate proportion.  All the stocks in top ten list are the momentum shares with 1000%+ gains not only during last week but also during the fortnight.

Of the ten shares with highest volume gains only one stock witnessed decline in price by end of the week and two stocks witnessed swing in their prices as their gains ware neutralized. Other seven stocks saw positive price change during the spike in volume.

List: Momentum Shares with 1000%+ Volume Gains

Source: NSE

Two stocks had preceding volume of 1 million plus before the beginning of the week, WelspunInd saw its volume rise to 43 million by the end of week. Similarly CPSEETF saw its volume rise from 5 million to 122 million during the week.

Gokul Refoils & Solvent Ltd (NSE: Gokul) was the topmost share in terms of volume momentum, last week it saw spike in trading volumes to 3600%, its trading volume rose from 17K in the beginning of the week to 600K by 07 Feb, but share underwent swing in its prices and didn’t see any positive price gains by the end of week.

Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd (NSE : SCHNEIDER) and Symphony Ltd  (NSE: SYMPHONY) saw the highest price gains during the week, Schneider stock price was up by 137% to Rs 107.95 from Rs78 in the beginning of the week.  Symphony also witnessed major spike in price it gained 113% during the week, up from Rs 1,203 to 1,368 by the end of week.